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Research and Proof has shown that welfare, in and of itself, has destroyed individuals, communities, and families - especially African-American communities, and prevents people from reaching their full potential to include home ownership, economic stability, and an enhanced quality of life. Such proof has also been seen and felt in the City of Rochester alone.


At the same time, every person is human, and our own local residents (many who were either born in the Rochester area or have lived many, many years in Western New York) deserve a helping hand. They deserve to be given plentiful of chances when they sleep on the streets and have literally nothing, or they have issues with the addiction to drugs, mental health, or other issues that causes their suffering.


As part of the plan to compel Americans out of poverty and out of the broken cycle while we help our own residents and community members, the plan is to create new legislation that will end the so-called welfare state that has resulted in an explosion of homelessness, crime, poverty, and ghettos.


To combat the problem requires a hardcore transition from welfare directly to work, which would result in winning, rather than losing, the War on Poverty. Initiatives such as Operation All Aboard, Operation DUST (Destroy Undesirable Systems and Tactics), and Operation BEPRORHANOHO (Be Productive or Have No Hope) will make people get off of welfare, which will result in near-zero welfare and give people access to the REAL American Dream. The plan to get people off of Welfare will be handled in the following order:


Tier 1: Homeless Citizens and Veterans

Tier 2: Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces

Tier 3: Frontline workers who served during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tier 4: Unemployed Citizens and Veterans

Tier 5: Victims of Human Trafficking

Tier 6: Victims of Domestic Violence

Tier 7: Persons and Families in Poverty within Urbanized Counties (Examples include the City of Rochester and all of Monroe County, but would also include residents in cities and immediate areas such as Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, St. Louis, etc.)

Tier 8: Persons in Poverty elsewhere

Tier 9: High School and Trade Program Graduates

Tier 10: Trade Apprentices (18+)

Tier 11: Inmates and Institutional Patients Worthy of Reform

Tier 12: College and University Graduates

Tier 13: College and University Interns

Tier 14: College and University Students

Tier 15: Persons with Disabilities (who can do either a Remote Position or an On-Site Position with reasonable accommodations)

Tier 16: Older Teenagers (16 - 17) in Juvenile Detention, with Parental Consent

Tier 17: Older Teenagers (16 - 17) in Foster Care at risk of homelessness with Guardian Consent

Tier 18: Older Teen Apprentices (14 - 17) with Parental Consent (would count as a form of "educational opportunity")

Tier 19: Puerto Rican Citizens

Tier 20: Citizens of the U.S. Virgin Islands

Tier 21: Citizens of all other territories except the American Samoa

Tier 22: Citizens and Residents of the American Samoa

Tier 23: All Other American Citizens and Residents

Tier 24: Vetted, Legal Work Visa Applicants from Canada and Mexico (especially those on Visa Backlogs, would only qualify for Operation All Aboard)

Tier 25: Vetted, Legal Immigrants from all other countries (especially those on Visa Backlogs, would only qualify for Operation All Aboard)


Those in Tiers 1 - 22 would apply to Citizens and Residents of the United States. Tiers 18 - 23 would apply to U.S. Citizens and Residents in the respective U.S. territory (all citizens of U.S. territories are citizens and/or nationals of the United States, but would have a designated tier), and Tier 24 - 25 would consist of foreign nationals who go through an interview at a port-of-entry and follow a rigid process.


Unless a person has a genuine disability that prevents a person to work at all or is 70 years of age and older, no person should be using welfare as a form of "permanent entitlement". The best form of welfare is employment or investment. As such, legislation I will write will reflect it. If a person loses, or is out of, a job, he/she would have two years to find a job or be in a training program (such as a vocational course, a trade school, a college, or any other program that will increase the potential of working or having a self-owned business). After two years being out of a job or not in a training program, unless the person has a diagnosed developmental disability, mental health diagnosis, or is at least 60 years of age, one could permanently lose his/her benefits and would be on "survival" mode.


Furthermore, non-profit organizations and small businesses alike will have the chance to participate in incentives, not taxes, that encourages people to get back on their feet, from clothing and transportation, to haircuts and technology devices. Additionally, individual innovators, small business owners, barber shops, hair salons, and non-profit organizations who assist in securing an individual in having a job offer could win special incentives through contests. Individuals who participate could also win incentives. Incentives can range from RTS bus passes and Uber rides, to concerts, movie tickets, restaurants, and regional vacations. Small businesses and individual innovators who have won the incentive for such an individual and that individual has held on to the same job for at least 90 days could also get a special visit from, or a trip to Washington and/or Albany to meet with, the President of the United States and/or the Governor of New York. All of this will be made possible by voluntary contributions and not by the local taxpayer.


The Hands-Up Economy model will also encourage people to get a job and/or a career, easing their way out of poverty, and make it easy for companies and recruiters to get more American, and Rochester area, workers. With the combination of changing the educational and economical landscape, along with a near-zero tax system. In other words, using the New Hampshire model, income and interstate sales tax would be eliminated on the federal level and states - per the 10th amendment - would have the responsibility to lower taxes. States and the federal government who wish to fund "lavish projects" would be required to save using a social trust fund that is through a voluntary savings domain. States cannot tax it's residents using federal money to build projects contrary to the needs and wishes of it's own residents.


(585) 444-7371



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