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While I stand neutral on the issues in the aftermath of the Roe v. Wade reversal, the overturn has exposed Congress and their lack of action to codify laws from a Supreme Court ruling. Since then, the abortion issue has continued to be a hot topic, causing heated debates and speculation of fear that women would be physically abused and/or sexually assaulted. At the same time, it is important to note that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, has advocated for the killing of black and brown babies, along with babies who would have a possible case of a developmental disability "on purpose" and without the knowledge or consent (often through force) of a person giving birth and has supported the legacy of Adolf Hitler and his concept of eugenics (which was also used in the United States of America).


If elected, women will be given resources and tools for choices that they want to make instead of being forced into a choice that is made for them. In other words, options such as adoption, temporary singular custody, birth control, and other ideas. Furthermore, I do not support a nationwide ban, nor do I support a state ban, and I will support and defend both the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and transparency of the concerns of the NY 25th congressional district, in other words, accepting that in New York State, Roe is a permanent, everlasting matter statewide and is agreed without regard to party lines. In summary, I support women having more expanded options without being forced into making a decision, would encourage (but not force) women to consider abortion as a "last resort" rather than a "impulsive first decision", and allow women to make decisions and think for themselves. Furthermore, I also support choice of a woman upon the birth of a baby up to 18 years of age, including Parental Rights and Motherhood Rights in all aspects. This includes Education Choice and Scholarships on the national level (see Grand Education Reform), access to Small-Business Vouchers and Courtesy Packages for those with low-incomes and impoverishment for access to clothing, food, Medical Care, and Job Skills and Training Courses, repealing the Adoption and Safe Families Act, allowing families with one ending confidentiality in reporting abuse and neglect, allowing family courts to open to the general public and the media, and ending "legal kidnapping", direct out-of-home placement, and victimizing families (through propaganda or other sensational outlet) that home educate or for raising their children in a form that is best for them. 


In addition to showing support for "Women and Girls in Sports Act" that prohibit federal assistance to be used against the protection of women and girls from unwanted and unwelcomed exposure or underestimation (which was opposed by Joe Morelle), I will also create the Equal Participation in Activities Act, which will prohibit men and women to be equal in the workforce and not be discriminated solely because of an activity "stereotypical for a gender role" - in other words, women would be protected in male-dominated activities and men would be protected in women-dominated activities, and Individual Security in Changing and Hygienic Areas Act which will protect all genders in areas designated for communal bathing/showering, dressing, toileting, and other activities that involve changing or fitting in both civilian and military settings, especially in regards to women and girls. This bill will also required to have single-person accommodations for any individual (no matter whom) who wish to change, dress, shower, and toilet alone or with a caregiver, which in turns allows states to uphold their rights under the 10th amendment (making it a win for New Yorkers and America as a whole who may not have certain categories in their state's civil protection laws), and will most importantly protect those who may fall prey to, or have encountered, bullying or other forms of abuse and harm regardless of protected class.


Protecting women and girls would also include:

  • Laws strengthening protections against Sexual Harassment and Abuse

  • Ending the gender Double Standards in our nation's justice system and civil landscape

  • Creating laws that will enhance penalties for Domestic Violence

  • Decriminalizing and/or legalizing victimless crimes that punish women

  • Create a new constitutional amendment that protects women and other classes of persons currently provided under the Civil Rights Act.

  • Using the Grand Education Reform platform as a 

  • Create alternatives to welfare and TANF (which the system itself has broken families apart, including the no-man-in-home rule), embrace the HUP system, and eliminate the benefit cliff.

  • Creating voter transparency laws (including the removal of political parties on a ballot) while strengthening voter security and making voting easier at the same time to allow voters, especially female voters in the district that is home Susan B. Anthony, to independently think for themselves rather than decide who to vote for under the guise of "false positives".



(585) 444-7371



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