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For years, members of Congress have served virtually unlimited amount of years, hindering the progress and underestimated the foundation of the United States of America while staying in their comfortable seats making hundreds of thousands of dollars. As they enjoy unlimited benefits, these politicians that represent you in Washington (Morelle included) are gaslighting you and telling you that "elections" are a form of term limits, when in reality, the truth is that the only person in America that has a term limit is the President of the United States.


Since Term Limits requires the complicated process of a Constitutional Amendment, you can expect me to do the following if elected:


1a. I will make legislation that will create a temporary law Term Limiting members of congress, which would be in effect for a minimum of 50 years. This would serve as a temporary, not a permanent, solution, and an experiment. During the 50 years, a constitutional amendment would need to be made, and as such, states and Congress will need to do their part to permanently embed the amendment into the constitution. 


1b. For term limits, members of the house would have a maximum of three terms, and the senate would have a maximum of one term. Each member of Congress will have six years. Once the term limit is reached, they will be barred from serving in the respective chamber for life. (Example: After a newly elected member of congress serves three terms in the house, he/she is barred for life, but he/she can serve in the Senate for one term if that person did not serve at all).


2. Elections is a critical component of our nation, and often such influence and disenfranchisement are used to underestimate one's voice at the polls. To this end, I will create legislation that will make Election Day a national holiday (meaning that all federal, state, and local offices close, and many businesses would have the option to close as well). Voters would be required to have ID (or biometric proof that the person voting is a U.S. Citizen. States, per the 10th Amendment. will continue the practice of Early Voting if they choose to do so. While I will work to expand voting rights, I will also make sure that voting is reserved exclusively for U.S. Citizens and that voters (especially in the City of Rochester) are given the right to be informed of, not coerced into voting for, a candidate.


3. I will create legislation to allow voters at the ballot to be informed on the spot. When one goes to vote, voters should be entitled to a see and review a catalog of every candidate (or on a screen), including a detailed description and a chart of basic issues that matters to a candidate.


4. I will create a Voter Transparency law, which means that, on ballots nationwide, the name of an official political party will not be on a ballot (which means, in other words, the Words "Democrat" and "Republican", and all third party names will be prohibited from being on a ballot). This will mean that you won't see the political party on a ballot when voting, meaning that you will decide based on a name of a candidate and not the party or platform. While voting security will be strengthened (including reviews of machines used in every election), voting should also be easier for U.S. Citizens. Furthermore, voters will also be entitled to learn about their candidates through a catalog on election day for the issues that matter to them. While their political party will not be listed, their issues will be listed and available to voters nationwide.


5. I will create legislation to end the practice of lobbyists buying and influencing an election and would create penalties for doing so.


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