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In an environment where science and innovation is evolving, and as the teachers unions (along with the schools themselves) have continued to fail children, not to mention the continuous violence, abuse, and involuntary servitude in schools nationwide, let alone in NY 25, it has put terrible burden on the taxpayer and has caused irreversible trauma on children and destruction on parent/child relationships never before seen in U.S. History.


As a former student of Monroe #1 BOCES (now Monroe One Educational Services), three Monroe County K-12 districts (two of middle class and one in the state's most award-winning school district), and Monroe Community College, I have dealt with first hand the corruption, isolation, abuse, mental devastation, drugging, hatred, and manipulation that schools do on a day-to-day basis. When I entered college, I have done elementary school math all over again, and I have had no regret leaving college.


Today, education (especially public education) has consisted of indoctrination, influence, and the lack of opportunities that have allowed people to flee New York for other states either after high school or even after college. Furthermore, it is lacking innovation, creativity, and the tools needed to build a 21st and even 22nd Century vision. And worse of all, it has created troubled children and rebellious teens worse than since the Columbine High School tragedy in 1999.


Education in America should consist of the following: A child's ABCs, a child's 123s, and the ability to use their hands to build a high-speed railroad (in other words, to use the skills early to be ready for hands-on careers and even entrepreneurship). Yet, especially in the Rochester City School District, the literacy rate is lower than the national average. But every parent should be given a choice, even if it's to educate for only one day a week.


To that end, Grand Education Reform will reimagine, tear down, and rebuild education in the United States. While a handful of states such as New Hampshire and Florida (and soon, Texas, if all works out) have school choice, New York does not, and has never had school choice. Arizona has had the best school choice system in the country, only to be reversed by Governor Kate Hobbs. It's time to put the hands of education right back where it belongs, to parents and their children, and ensure that every parent is capable (and not for just a few, as the media would point out).


To tear-down-and-rebuild the sadistic system, here is what will happen.


  • If elected, the first thing I will do is conduct a study (meaning that children will be part of a research that will create justification on Grand Education Reform on the philosophy of John Taylor Gatto).

    • Research will take place in New York (in the Greater Rochester Area), the Northeast, Texas, and Florida​.

    • Three groups (one integrated, one with same aged peers, and one exclusively with special needs) will be part of the study. Children would stay in a classroom as if they were in school itself, but only for one week. The other 15 days will be used for what one would find in a Sudbury School, with a boundary system, increased recreation, and exploration.

    • Upon completion, children and families would be interviewed, a paper will be made, and legislative ideas will be proposed on the federal level and to the President of the United States (will most likely not receive support from Biden if he is elected to a second term but would be likely supported by others).

  • All educational matters on the state level will be transferred to the federal level, but do not let this confuse you. On the federal level, every parent will have mass expansion to choices, from homeschooling and co-ops all the way up to libraries and charter schools.

    • In other words, when a parent buys food, the parent can choose whatever grocery store they want anywhere. The parent can choose where to buy clothes for the children. The parent can decide where a child lives. But, in context, the current system (in majority) makes a child attend the public school in the same district and would be required to sit in a classroom for hours on end, deprived of the ability to really socialize (contrary to what is being shared), and putting pressure on children and destroying their potential to thrive. In contrary to K-12, college students are given a choice and are given aid and loans just for going to a college anywhere nationwide. By making education completely a choice financially, and by changing the educational landscape, we (the United States) will exceed the expectations of learning and creativity, beyond that of Europe and Asia.

    • Parents will be entitled to obtaining the resources and tools needed to exercise their right to educational freedom, including home education, co-op, traveling groups, tutoring, and other opportunities, in addition to charter schools and science programs.

  • For young children, libraries and tutors would be available for basic literacy, and every family would be entitled to choose how education is handled. Each child and each family is different.

  • Parents would be given massive resources and access to scholarships to do anything ranging from homeschool to a school facility, and even summer camps, fitness classes, hands-on classes, enrichment programs, apprentices, and other programs for children. That means parents, not the government, decides how to best handle the education and social potential of their children.

  • To allow working families and distressed parents relief while at work and to avoid putting children into "labor", I will create legislation that will allow employers to have their own "education department", in other words, employers will be able to have their own educational program while parents are at work. In turn, teens can have either an internship, an apprenticeship, or a similar pathway that can lead to a permanent career within their company, another company, or even their own business. This, at the same time, will be a win/win for parents, families, and companies alike.

    • If, however, an employer chooses to expel a child due to bad behavior, employers would have the ability to compensate to move a troubled child to a different program within the employer, or have alternative program where it will benefit and reform the child and allow children to enjoy their childhood rather than traumatize and conform a child to a worse situation that would result in a violent child.

  • Teenagers from 12 - 17, and 18 - 20 IF living with family will be entitled to adolescent opportunity choices, hence "Teen Choice". This system will emphasize talent and imagination, not indoctrination, and career classes that will lead to a career, a high-paying job, or even a business as early as 18 years old and as old as 21 years old and will allow small businesses and the economy to flourish itself. Teens will have a point system that will lead to a certificate at age 18. This will allow teenagers to pursue their talents, enjoy their unique era of their lives, and obtain more hours of sleep - currently deprived under the present educational models in New York State and across the country.

  • All children (especially in NY's 25th Congressional District and in Congressional Districts from Buffalo to Utica) will be encouraged to pursue careers in science, math, and technology, and to that end, participating companies, towns, and colleges who wish to pursue a pilot program just for teenagers will be encouraged and acknowledged.

  • Note: Contrary to the belief of Joe Morelle, teachers unions, and the Democratic establishment, this does not take away from Public Schools. In fact, Public School Districts nationwide, no matter how rich or poor, will be required to facilitate and enhance choice for each family. They cannot use funding to fund a "school resource", which (as it has happened and proven with teachers' unions) results in crime and violence, poor facilities, and destruction of a child's potential. 


By reimagining and redesigning the educational landscape in America, especially in Rochester, every child will have the opportunity to be given a gift that the government cannot provide itself - a childhood, and the opportunity to bond with family more.  Parents will be given more rights than ever before, resulting in the end of government influence. Additionally, to fix the system in a radical way will result in a country that thrives on imagination and creativity and the U.S. economy along with the wages can potentially be the richest in the world (richer than any country, and certainly the most powerful country in innovation in the western world).


(585) 444-7371



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