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Throughout Rochester, and all across the United States, this country is experiencing a shortage of workers, and is impacting lives. Nearly every week, small businesses close down, quality of health is impacted, and people are in major distress.


At the same time, we are also dealing with an immigration crisis, and often, those who enter the United States illegally (in other words, entering without going through a port of entry) are begging to work and are rewarded for bad behavior, some even commiting crimes and causing violence. At home, Americans are often poor, and some are considered "disqualified" in the eyes of employers. On top of it all, the Coronavirus pandemic has also caused more misery than good, while it has proven to show that remote working has increased productivity and employees are satisfied and pleased, despite corporate opposition.


To address the crisis, and in effort to revive employers:


1. Restart the Welfare-to-Work program as "Welfare-to-Productivity", meaning that almost every American (except for those over 65 and those permanently disabled to a point where productivity is not an option) is to find and maintain employment (either remotely or in person), attend training, start or invest a business, or volunteer (to the point where it leads to work).


2. Make companies and corporations to allow persons to work at home or through a hybrid method so that workers can have access to their jobs and have the ability to be productive on their own terms, which in turns saves the environment and saves money while opening space for other uses such as housing, restaurant, office space, etc.


3. Work with non-profits to be given the homeless and those in poverty the tools needed to successfully have productivity, from transportation to clothing, and even computer donations. No handouts needed; no taxpayer funding necessary.


4. Create co-op models for those working or doing business and using abandoned office space simply for just that.


5. With Operation All Aboard, it will put almost every American and legal immigrant applicant burdened by the broken immigration system to work on radically upgrading America's railroad system (meaning tracks specifically for train travel, maglev for upgraded rail travel and elevated communities, and the Hyperloop for major cities nationwide, including in the Rochester area).


Welfare-to-Productivity, combined with Operation All Aboard and making the practice of outsourcing illegal, will not only address the labor shortages, but will put a true end to welfare and handouts, getting over 95% of Americans, nearly 99% of African-Americans, and nearly 100% of Rochester residents, away from poverty and into a higher quality of life - meaning that, within time, people will be able to have the American Dream - a home, a car, the ability to live comfortability, and powerful paychecks with nearly zero taxes taken from one's paycheck to benefit from. Note that, with legislation, the federal government would not impose income taxes for any reason whatsoever, hence the term of near-zero taxation and abolishing government entities that make taxation possible.


(585) 444-7371



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