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"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abriding the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grevances." -The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States

Every day in New York, people have been promised the ability to freely speak and be part of everyday life. Today, that promise is being failed from Washington, to Albany, and even in the Rochester area. Nothing can be more controversial than the current issues one faces today, from book bans to blockage of ideas, and the worst indictment of unwelcome indoctrination, especially in educational institutions nationwide and in NY 25. This is not a partisan issue, it's an American issue, and especially an issue that spans every corner and every culture of Western New York, especially with influence from the media and from the corrupt entities.


If elected, here's what you can expect:


1. I will lead by example and not only protect your 1st amendment but will allow you to speak freely to me without restriction. That means, unless it is meant to harm others or one's self, you should have the ability to express yourself no matter how conservative or how liberal you are without fear or the consequence of being silenced.


2. I will stand up to Governor Hochul and to Washington Politicians to ensure that every resident and business is protected. That means, confronting her directly on taxation and ending her sadistic restrictive practices against people that has caused people to leave New York State for other states that NY once benefited.


3. While the 1st amendment guarantees the right to freely speak over television, radio, or other forms of broadcasting, the persuasion to convince a person has caused national, and even international, uproar, and has caused force and/or gaslighting to allow control of the thoughts of a person. To this end, I will create legislation that will prohibit any media (local or national) to speak politics, and if they must do so, they must speak in a transparent manner (in other words, they can talk about results of an election or broadcast a presidential address, but cannot speak any political material be it in support of an ideology, or in opposition to an ideology including candidates for any office). With this legislation, the news will get back to doing just the news and television programs will get back to simply doing wholesome programming without bias.


4. I will also create legislation to prohibit any political candidate (local, state, or federal) to broadcast any campaign material - meaning that no political candidate, politician, nor political campaign will have the ability to advertise or broadcast announcements in effort to obtain even one vote or funding to be elected. Without this legislative idea, this will greatly hurt many African-American and Hispanic-American communities with their right to vote for whom they want to vote for, not for whom they are to vote for in the name of voting rights, as it has for over half a century in Rochester and in cities across the U.S., hence Black Democrats being persuaded to "vote straight Democrat" without being open to ideas, the facts, and other factors that other candidates and other parties offer when they vote at the ballot. (Think President Biden's You Ain't Black comment)


5. Per the 1st amendment, you also have the right to make a compliant, or voluntarily seek assistance from, the federal government, and it should be no different when it comes to your representatives in office. Your representative should not be for a lobby or a form of corporation, but should be there for you, your business, your family, your friends, even your co-workers, your teammates, and even your own pets. If elected, even if I don't get to you right away, I will not show arrogance, ignorance, or "put something to the side" simply because you want something changed in your community or something to be proclaimed. I will be for the people and not for those who seek to obtain funding for themselves. I will also have an open-door policy, unlike many members of congress, and when in office (be it locally or in Washington), my time is your time (even if it's just to say hello and share an amazing story) as long as I don't have any scheduling conflicts.


(585) 444-7371



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Made in Upstate New York by Luther LeBron Layne.


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